Sensators, pressductor, tenzodatchiki
- Small transformers of surplus pressure
1.Sensor of surplus pressure СДВ-И-А (sensators are instrumentation with an analog output signal)
2.Sensors of surplus pressure of SDV-I-D (sensators are a measurings microprocessor)
3.Sensors of surplus pressure of SDV-I-D (sensators are digital with the output signal of RS 485 (MODBUS-RTU), 1-wire)
4.Sensor of surplus pressure MPE-MI
5. Sensor of surplus pressure and discharging of MT100PR - Small transformers of absolute pressure
1.Sensor of absolute pressure SDV-A-A (sensators are instrumentation with an analog output signal)
2.Sensors of absolute pressure of SDV-A-D (sensators are a measurings microprocessor)
3.Sensors of absolute pressure of SDV-A-D (sensators are digital with the output signal of RS 485 (MODBUS-RTU), 1-wire - Small transformers of surplus pressure
Sensor of surplus pressure-rarefaction SDV-IV
Small transformers of discharging
Sensor of rarefaction SDV-V - Small transformers of difference (overfall) of pressures
Sensor of difference of pressures of SDV-D - Pressductor Sapfir
Pressductor Sapfir-22M, Sapfir-22MT
Sapfir DA- absolute pressure
Sapfir DI- surplus pressure
Sapfir DV- the davleniya- dischargings
Sapfir DIV- surplus pressure-discharging
Sapfir DD- differences of pressures - Transformers of differential pressure
DM-3583М, DMT-3583М, DKO, DMER-MI, DME-MI, DMEU-М - Complexes for measuring of pressure digital IPD 89006, IPD 89008, IPDC 89014, IPDC 89018, Tenzodatchik